All Key-3 Members, Charter Representative Delegates, and Key-3 Delegates will be able to log in using their usernames and passwords at No additional access codes are required. Units and commissioners can track their progress by reviewing the council dashboard on Commissioner Tools in the lower right corner. Details of which units are making progress can be reviewed by clicking on the Report URL in the upper right-hand corner of the Charter Renewal Status card.
With the new registration policies of the Boy Scouts of America, any member that paid their re
If you need help, please contact your commissioner or the council staff. Contact List
Recharters are due by December 1, so time can be given to process the charter in the council service center. Any charter is not processed by December 31, all members will drop and lose access to Scoutbook.
A recharter webinar will be held on October 26th at 6:30 via zoom. More information
Members that joined after August 1st, 2023
Any new members who paid their registration after August 1st, 2023, are registered for twelve months and will not renew their membership until 2024. These members will show up on the recharter as yearly paid and will have no fee associated with them during the yearly recharter.
Youth Protection and Key-3 Basic Leader Training Required
Remember that all leaders must have completed Youth Protection Training after Janaury 1st, 2021 to recharter.
For a unt to recharter, the unit Key 3 must have completed basic leader training. Unit Key 3 includes, Scoutmasters, Cubmasters, Committee Chairman, Exploring Advisors, Skippers, Crew Advisors, and Charter Reps.
Recharter and Training Status Updated weekly on Fridays.

- If you have adults missing Youth Protection Training, you should have them complete this at If they have completed the training and it is not syncing with the recharter portal, most likely their member ID they completed the training under is not the same as their member ID they are registered with. The member can add their registration ID to their my.scouting profile.
- If you have an adult missing the Disclosure (Criminal Background Check) Form, they will need to complete it and you will have to attach it as part of the recharter process.
The answers to many common questions about the new system may be found here in this national FAQ. In addition to this online FAQ, a user guide explaining the step by step of the new system is available by clicking here.
Below is a brief highlight of some of most common questions:
Who can submit the Internet Recharter?
The Charter Organization Representative, Committee Chair, Unit Leader, or any Key 3 delegate has the ability to submit the Renewal.
Is an access code required?
No, an access code is not required. The Key 3 and any Key 3 designate can access Internet Rechartering using the same credentials used to access or My.Scouting.
Can a unit add multiples into a renewal?
Yes, they will enter the volunteer as a multiple and notate what unit/non-unit position and council that they are registered in. The unit will not auto-post and the council will be required to verify the multiple registration before posting the unit.