Welcome to Scouting!
Friends, fun, and adventure: Scouting is the youth program designed to bring in everyone from the family to the great outdoors, learn new skills, and develop character. For more than a century, the Boy Scouts of America has instilled in children and their families a sense of accomplishment and pride, teaching them how to become future leaders of their communities.
To join Scouting, a family must find a local unit. To find a local unit and to register online, go to www.beascout.org. If you do not know what unit you want to join or just want a Scouting representative to reach out to you, please fill out this form.

If you have already applied, welcome to the fun of Scouting! We are excited to have you join in on our adventures. We hope that this is first stop in your journey will help you be prepared alongside your child to make the most of our Scouting programs. Throughout the year, the Crater Lake Council holds opportunities for families to learn more about and sign up for Scouting. Below is the list of upcoming join Scouting nights.
Scouting Programs
There is a Scouting program for every youth, from kindergarten to young adults, each program is geared for everyone to be able to explore and come out fulfilled with new character growth and skill development.

Cub Scouts is for youth in grades K-5. or 6 to 10 years of age. Children who are older than 10, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the Scouts BSA.

Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts) is for youth 11 to 17 years of age. Scouts also may join Scouts BSA if they have earned the Cub Scouting Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old.

Sea Scouts promotes better citizenship and improved members’ boating skills through instruction and practice in water safety, boating skills, outdoor, social, service experiences, and knowledge of our maritime heritage.

Venturing is a year-round program for young men and women who are 14 (and have completed the eighth grade) through 20 years of age.

Exploring provides exciting activities and mentorship for youth looking to discover their future. Exploring connects youth with professional organizations so Scouts can explore what a myriad of opportunities for their future.
Quickstart Guide to Scouting
There is a lot to learn when it comes to Scouting and all of its inner workings. With this in mind, the Crater Lake Council has compiled together a quick guide for parents that want to jump in and find out what Scouting is all about!
The safety of children in our programs is the most important priority of the Boy Scouts of America.
The BSA’s safeguards highlighted below are key parts of our multilayered approach to help keep kids safe.
These measures were informed by respected experts in the fields of child safety, law enforcement, and child psychology and are among the strongest safeguards found in any youth-serving organization.
Volunteering in Scouting
Scouting is a volunteer-led program, with parents becoming part of their Scouting unit’s leadership. Volunteering not not only helps parents encourage their child to become engaged in Scouting, but also gives families the opportunity to learn new skills and create memories together throughout their time in the program.
All adult leaders are required to take Youth Protection Training in order to volunteer in Scouting. Parents are highly encouraged to partake in Youth Protection Training, regardless of if they decide to become leaders. The training can be done at my.scouting.org.

Costs of Scouting
Generally, a family should budget about $250 to get a Scout started, but this is broken into a few parts and does not need to be paid all at once. Each unit has its fundraisers to help Scouts fund their year, so most costs become perpetually covered as the family stays involved. Financial assistance is available to families that need assistance joining Scouting.
The Cost of Scouting breaks down as follows:
$120 annual membership fee for youth; $100 annual membership fee for adults.
$24 Scouting handbook.
$70-100 uniform basics (shirt, patches, etc.). These uniform basics can last a few years and vary in costs depending on what your unit’s specific uniform requirements are.
*Some units charge their dues each year to cover monthly activities.