The Friends of Scouting campaign is the Crater Lake Council’s annual giving campaign, where families and the community are asked to invest in Scouting financially. The donations received through Friends of Scouting, United Way, grants and other major donations help to fund the efforts of the Crater Lake Council. Just like any other organization, we rely on those involved in the program, alumni from the program, and the community to support our efforts through monetary donations to keep the program running. This year, we would like to recognize all those units that participate in our Friends of Scouting Campaign by offering FREE RANK ADVANCEMENT as the unit incentive.
2024 Friends of Scouting Unit Incentives
To qualify for the incentive your unit must meet the following stipulations:
1. Identify your unit FOS Chair by December 15, 2023
3. Set a presentation date by December 15, 2023.
2. Make your unit goal by April 30, 2024 (unit goal will be determined in collaboration with the Area FOS Chair)
Free Rank Advancement Includes
Cub Scouts
Bobcat, Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, & Arrow of Light patch and pocket certificate
Scouts BSA
Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Star, Life patch and pocket certificate. Eagle Scout Award Kit
FOS Donor Incentives
Any pledge: 2024 Friends of Scouting Sticker
Scout Level ($75.00): 2024 Friends of Scouting Shoulder Patch
Bronze Level ($250.00): 2024 Friends of Scouting Shoulder Patch (bronze border)
Silver Level ($500.00): 2024 Friends of Scouting Shoulder Patch (silver border)
Gold Level ($1000.00): 2024 Friends of Scouting Shoulder Patch (gold border)
Century Level ($2024.00): 2024 Friends of Scouting Shoulder Patch collection (all 4)
2024 Family Friends of Scouting Step-by-Step Guide
STEP 1: Identify your unit’s Family Friends of Scouting Chair and set a date for a presentation.
It is important to pick someone that can participate fully in the campaign, communicate with troop members, alumni and family well prior to the presentation, and do the necessary follow-up at the end of the campaign. Setting the date for a presentation and making the presentation is one of the last steps. With proper preparation, every family in and alumni from your unit will have already given prior to the presentation or be ready to give at the presentation. To qualify for the unit incentive, this will need to be done by December 15, 2023.
STEP 2: Review Friends of Scouting Materials and craft a personal message to your unit about participating in this annual giving campaign.
A packet of information, pledge cards, and other materials will be mailed directly to the unit Friends of Scouting chair. Included in this packet will be a sample letter and script to be used to share “What is Friends of Scouting?” and “Why should I give?” It’s important for everyone to understand why we ask families to not only give their valuable time but also their valuable resources. Using the sample letter and script will help you craft a unique message to your unit that will be helpful for your families to understand the importance of this campaign and why they should support the Crater Lake Council. Using the timeline as your guide, make sure you share what Friends of Scouting is with enough time for families to discuss what works best for their budget prior to the actual presentation.
STEP 3: Promote the Friends of Scouting campaign to your unit, alumni of your unit, extended family members, and the community you live in.
Think of these donations as an investment and share the “Story of Scouting;” encourage your families to spread the word through social media and other means. Anyone can support the Scouting program through Friends of Scouting. All contributions through Friends of Scouting will only continue to strengthen the Scouting program and help it to continue for many years to come. Remind your families of all the perks that go along with their donations, including the incentives that your unit will receive if you make your unit goal by April 30th, 2024.
STEP 4: Hold a presentation and collect pledges.
The hard part is done; using the timeline, you’ve let all your families know how and when they can contribute to the Friends of Scouting campaign. Now it’s time to have the actual presentation. This can be done by someone in the unit (the unit’s Friends of Scouting chair or someone else well-respected within the unit) or by someone outside the unit. Make sure that pledge cards are ready to be handed out and someone has been designated to collect pledges throughout the night. It’s important to have the presentation at the beginning of the event and should not last more than 5-7 minutes. Collect pledges halfway through and then again before everyone leaves. Suggested events to hold a Friends of Scouting presentation include a Troop Court of Honor, a Pack Blue and Gold or a special pack meeting. Attendance is higher at these types of events and means that your success in collecting pledges will be higher. At the end of the event, the unit Friends of Scouting chair will need to use the pledge envelope to tally all the pledges.
STEP 5: Turn in your pledge envelope.
Make sure to write down on the front of the envelope each family that pledged, the amount pledged, and how they will pay their pledge. Once filled out, all pledge cards go inside the envelope and the envelope can be turned into the Area Friends of Scouting Chair, the Scouting Professional in your area, or mailed to the Council Office. It’s important to get these turned in right away, so payments can be processed, and monthly pledges can be set up.
STEP 6: Campaign Clean-up.
Celebrate and share with your unit how far you’ve made it towards your unit goal. Even if your goal has been met, it’s important to follow up with every family and find out if they plan to contribute. Whether a family can contribute $5.00 or $5,000.00, it’s important to ask every family in your unit. People are passionate about Scouting and people will give to people when asked.
STEP 7: Send a thank you!
You’ve made it to the end of the campaign. Now is a great time to thank everyone that has contributed to the Family Friends of Scouting campaign in your unit. Their contributions help ensure Scouting will continue to be available for everyone for years to come. A quick email, text, or an announcement at your next meeting will help convey the message that your unit supports the efforts of the Crater Lake Council and Scouting in your local community.
2024 FOS Timeline
November 15, 2023
Campaign Kickoff! Identify your unit’s Friends of Scouting Chair and schedule your presentation date. In order to be eligible for the incentive, each unit must have: 1. Have Unit FOS Chair identified. 2. Presentation date set by 12/15/23. 3. Hit goal no later than 4/30/24.
December 15, 2023
Last day to be eligible for incentive. Make sure you fill out the link above with your unit’s FOS Chair and your presentation date is set. |
December 15-31, 2023
Packets will be mailed to unit FOS chair. Packets will include pledge cards, pledge envelopes, and sample scripts/letters. Additional resources will also be available below on our quick resources tab.
January-April 2024
Friends of Scouting Campaign is in full swing! |
30 days prior to presentation
Email sent to all unit families, alumni, and associated community members inviting them to participate in this annual giving campaign. Sample letters are available and should be made personal to your unit, including why to give, your unit’s goal, and ways to give. |
2 weeks prior to presentation
Reminder sent via email and text about the upcoming presentation; families encouraged to give prior to or during the presentation. Have families share with other family members and friends that support Scouting and want to give back financially.
1 week prior to presentation
Confirm who is conducting the presentation and who will collect all pledges after the presentation. A sample script is available to help the unit deliver the message of why it is important to support the Friends of Scouting campaign.
During the presentation
Hand out pledge cards prior to the start of the event. Presentation is between 5-7 minutes at the beginning of the event. Collect pledges after the presentation and at the end of the event. Fill out the pledge envelope and tally all pledges.
1-2 days after the presentation
Pledge envelope and all pledges turned into the Area Friends of Scouting Chair, a Scouting Professional, or mail to the Scout Office.
1 week after presentation
Send an update to all families and anyone else that helped support the FOS campaign; include a thank you for their contribution and how much was raised (compared to your goal). Follow up with any families that did not pledge and still want to support.
2 weeks after presentation
Close out your unit’s Friends of Scouting campaign. Turn in any remaining pledges to the Area Friends of Scouting Chair, Scouting Professional, or the Council Office.
1 month after presentation
Recognition (stickers and patches) mailed from the Council Office. Scout Shop notified of units that qualify for unit incentive.
April 30, 2024
All pledges turned in and unit goal made in order to qualify for your unit incentive.