Popcorn Resources

The success of our popcorn campaign helps to deliver quality programming at every level of Scouting. Popcorn season is one of the many highlights that your fellow community members look forward to! Many of your customers come back year after year to try new products, stock up on their favorites, and purchase gifts of popcorn for their friends, family, and co-workers. Here, you will find a mountain of information to make your popcorn sales as fun and successful as possible. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact your Unit Popcorn Committee our Council Popcorn Kernel. Have fun out there!

Calendar Dates
  • Popcorn training webinar: August 21st at 6:30pm. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

  • First order due September 17th

  • First order delivered October 2nd

  • Second order due October 22nd

  • Second order delivered November 6th

  • November 6th-last opportunity to return product

  • December 1st-popcorn payments due to the council

Commission Structure – Per Scout sales are based on units registered membership as of July 31st

Download the Unit Commission Goal Sheet

Base Commission: 30%

How to Earn an Additional 1%: Zero returns to the council and final payment turned in by December 1st (must do both)

How to Earn an Additional 2%: sell an average of $500/scout (total number of scouts based on membership as of August 21st)

How to Earn an Additional 1%: Register to participate in the 2024 popcorn season; attend the kickoff on August 21st; and place initial order by September 10th (must do all three)

Council Prizes

  • Any Scout that sells more $1500 in popcorn will receive a matching gift card that they receive from Trails End
  • Any Scout with at least $750 in sales will be entered in a weekly prize drawing.
  • The top three Cub Scout and Scout BSA sellers will receive a bonus prize at the end of the sale.

Tips to Success

  1. Have a unit budget established by July 30th and have that communicated to your Scout’s parents. We have a unit budget tool available to assist.
  2. Set a unit popcorn goal by July 30th.
  3. Have your Scouts establish their own personal goals.
  4. Set up all show and sell sites for fall sales.
  5. Plan an exciting popcorn kickoff during late August, early September.
  6. Use the Trail’s End software to track your popcorn sales.
  7. Have fun, recognize success, and enjoy a lot of popcorn.
  • Scouts learn life lessons by “earning their own way.”

  • Product sales revenue supports the unit program.

  • Provides funds for activities and advancement, lowers the cost of camps, district activities, and prices at the Scout shop.

  • Increase your unit and council income – up to 35% stays with the local unit.

  • Scouts use the funds for various Scouting programs, fees and activities.

  • There are loads of incentives to motivate Scouts.

  • Put up door hangers in your neighborhood with your photo and Trails-End website listed for online orders. 

  • Promote your website on social media

  • Make calls to your friends and relatives

  • Send emails or make calls to businesses to purchase for their break room or gifts  

  • Nearly 73% of all dollars collected during the sale support local Scouting.

  • Units earn up to a 34% commission on Trails End products they sell.

  • The popcorn sale is a way for a Scout to support his or her way through the various activities during the year.


The new website for the Pacific Crest Council is now LIVE!