2020 Silver Beavers

On behalf of the Executive Board and Scout Executive James Westfall, congratulations to our class of 2020 Silver Beavers.  These wonderful Scouters were nominated by fellow volunteers and selected by a group of past Silver Beaver recipients who made up the selection committee (Thanks Paula Buckner for heading up this committee).

The Silver Beaver is the highest honor a local Council can bestow on a registered adult volunteer, and is recognition of volunteer work done at the District and Council levels.  Congratulations to a well-deserved group of individuals!  Click Here to see a historical listing of CLC Silver Beavers.

Sara Crawford started her journey in Scouting in 2004 when her oldest son joined as a wolf scout. She served as a den leader for 5 years with her youngest son in Pack 15. During that season she earned the Cub Scout Den Leader and Webelos Den Leader knots. As her sons bridged to Boy Scouts she served in the background as a supportive parent and committee member of Troop 535.

 When a den in a neighboring pack needed a leader, Sara led another Webelos den for two years until they bridged to Troop 535. With fond memories of cub scout resident camp at Camp McLoughlin, she staffed as dining hall steward in 2011 & 2012, then the Trading Post in 2017.

 After attending National Camp School at Philmont Training Center, she was given her dream job as Camp Director of Camp McLoughlin and served as director in 2018-2019. Over the years Sara has been a merit badge counselor, day camp assistant director and scout mentor.

Scouting’s mission of preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law is a guiding principal in Sara’s life. She has appreciated the opportunity to build relationships with fellow scouters and enjoyed the experiences that only come with participation in the scouting program.

Outside of scouting, Sara participated in the Ford Family Foundation Leadership program, which built six Little Free Libraries in Phoenix and Talent. She currently serves as a Board Member of the Phoenix-Talent School District. Sara and her husband, Robert, have two Eagle Scout sons, Tyler and Bryce, and a talented actress daughter, Courtney.  

Brian started as a Cub Scout in Anchorage, Alaska (where many a snowball was thrown during meetings), but didn’t progress past Webelos due to a move to Oregon where he refused to remove his Western Alaska Council patch from his uniform. He became an Assistant Tiger Cub Den Leader in 2001 when his oldest son joined Cub Scouts and became a Wolf Den Leader the next year.

While his son James was a Webelos Scout, he assumed the position of Cubmaster of Pack 90 in Bend, a post he would hold until his younger son bridged to Boy Scouts.  During that tenure, he was awarded Fremont District Cubmaster of the Year.

He held the position of Committee Chair of Troop 90 briefly and was invited to join the Fremont District Committee as Membership Chair in 2012.  

He then took on the role of Program Chair, a post he continues to hold, and received the District Award of Merit. In 2013, he became Scoutmaster of Troop 21 in Bend. 

During his tenure as Scoutmaster, he was awarded the title of Fremont District Scoutmaster of the Year, and had the privilege of turning out 30 Eagle Scouts.  One of his Scouting highlights was returning in 2017  to Alaska for the Ultimate Adventure program. 

Brian is married to Stephanie Seed who is also receiving the Silver Beaver in 2020.  Brian and Stephanie’s sons James and Brian are both eagles making a true Scouting family.

Stephanie began her scouting career at age 6 as a Girl Scout and is a lifetime member of that organization. In her 40+ years with GSUSA, she traveled the world and loved how scouts in other countries were co-ed. 

Her time with BSA began when her eldest son, James, needed a Den Leader- her husband Brian stepped up, she became the Assistant Den Leader and never looked back!  After a few years as ADL, she started a Tiger Den with her younger son, Mark, taking them all the way through to Arrow of Light.  The den crossed over as a group, and two of the five boys earned Eagle. Both of her sons, James and Mark, are Eagle Scouts.

Upon completion of her time as Den Leader, Stephanie became the Fremont District Cub Scout Round Table Commissioner- a position she held for over eight years.  During that time, she attended Commissioner Colleges in Cascade Pacific Council and Crater Lake Council as well as teaching courses and serving as Dean of the 2018 Commissioner College for Crater Lake Council.  She holds a Master’s degree in Commissioner Science.

Stephanie has earned leadership awards as a den leader, Tiger through Webelos, training awards for BSA and Commissioner service, and the District Award of Merit for Fremont District. In 2017, Stephanie attended Wood Badge and was awarded her beads in 2019.  She is a Brotherhood member of Order of the Arrow, has assisted with NYLT and many district camps and training, but her biggest personal reward has been as founding Scoutmaster to Troop 101- the first girl’s troop in Central Oregon.  Currently, there are eleven eager girls working on ranks and merit badges, one of which is planning her Eagle project! 

In her 16+ years in Scouts BSA, Stephanie has thoroughly enjoyed spending time with scouts as a mentor and coach and working alongside the many Scouters and volunteers, all of whom are considered family.    

James starting his scouting experience with Pack 90 in the Fremont district and moved on to troop 90 where he spent time as Scoutmaster along with multiple other positions.   

James has a passion for high adventure and jamborees and has been to numerous jamborees, national order of the arrow conferences, Philmont Treks including the hundred Cascade trek, and Sea Base. 

James is currently serving as the lodge advisor for the  Lo La’Qam Geela OA Lodge. Before serving as lodge advisor he served as the chapter advisor for the Hyas Lamonte Chapter serving the Fremont District

James also serves as our council medical director where his input has been much needed as we work through COVID-19. 

James takes pride in the high adventure opportunities scouting provides.  His most enjoyable moments in Scouting have been on high adventure outings, pushing youth to do things they never thought they could accomplish and watching their confidence and maturity grow.  James son James is an Eagle Scout and his son Erik is a Star Scout.

Janel Yergen grew up in Canby Oregon, and lived most of her life in the northern Willamette Valley. She relocated to Medford, Oregon two years ago to do quality assurance and compliance work for a substance abuse treatment provider. She holds a Masters Degree in Counseling from George Fox University. Janel’s favorite hobby is cooking, she can make a mean lemon meringue pie from scratch.

Janel Yergen has been involved in Scouting for more than 16 years, including 2 years in Crater Lake Council. She is currently registered in two councils; Crater Lake Council and Cascade Pacific Council where she continues to provide active service.

She has held various roles, including Pack Committee Chair, Assistant Scout Master, Scout Master, Roundtable Commissioner, Unit Commissioner, Advancement Committee and Training Committee.

Janel attended Wood Badge in 2012 receiving her beads in 2013. She has been a Troop Guide on an out-of-council course in 2017 and served as the cook on 3 other courses. She is planning to serve in the kitchen on two future courses in Cascade Pacific Council and Oregon Trail Council. She served as Scout Master for National Youth Leadership Training in 2019.

She has been recognized with the District Award of Merit, Unit Leaders Award of Merit, Arrowhead Award and Vigil Honor in the Order of the Arrow as well as the Leadership in Service award from Wauna La’Montay Lodge.

She is the proud parent of two sons, both Eagle Scouts and Vigil Honor members. Janel has a history of volunteering for youth-serving programs, including, FFA, Rotary Youth Exchange and several youth sports organizations.

Her favorite quote: “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task, which more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome” -William James.  She is currently serving as Wild Rivers District Commissioner and is looking forward to leading the commissioner team as we navigate the future of Scouting together.

The new website for the Pacific Crest Council is now LIVE!