Newsletter Blog: Scouting into Fall!

Table of Contents

Welcome to the first edition of the CLC Cub Scout Blog!

This will be the first of newsletter blog posts that will keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in Cub Scouts! Here you will find resources, upcoming events, reminders, and ideas to help you plan your Scouting program.

Registrar Reminders

Recharter season is going on NOW!

Internet Rechartering may be accessed by the Unit Leader, Charter Org Rep, Committee Chairman or Key 3 Delegate by logging into their or my.Scouting Account or directly at

Commissioners can track charter renewal status on either their council or district dashboards. Details of which units are making progress can be reviewed by clicking on the Report URL in the upper righthand corner of the Charter Renewal Status card.

Safety Moment

Safe Scouting, something we all care about, right? We talk about it all the time in Scouting. The word is in much of what we do. Guide to Safe Scouting, Safe Swim Defense, Climb On Safely, TREK Safely, etc. All these trainings and publications all referenced The Sweet 16 of Scouting Safely. I don’t know about you, but trying to remember and use 16 points of Safety was not something I could do well. Well there is good news. The 16 have been replaced with the 4 points of the SAFE checklist, which follows. Look at for the list of Safety Moments that should become part of the planning for every activity we do.

Reserve Your Camp Site for 2023!

Cub Scouts are always excited for the biggest highlight of the warmer season: summer camp at Camp McLoughlin! The campgrounds are one of Scouting’s favorite haunts in the entire program, and where Scouts learn skills and have fun out in the woods with their friends.

For 2023, we will have camp sessions for Cub Scouts as well as an Webelos/AOL Adventure Camp! Both camps will be geared towards their specific rank level to ensure that Scouts have the most fun possible!

Snow Capades is Coming in 2023!

Held at Camp McLoughlin next to beautiful Lake of the Woods on Highway 140 between Klamath Falls and Medford, Oregon. The camp is at 5,000 feet in elevation and experiences winter conditions ideal for fun in the snow. The fun includes events with a winter theme: fire building, snow-shoeing, saucer runs, marshmallow roasting and much more! It’s a daylong event that is “winter fun for all.”

The new website for the Pacific Crest Council is now LIVE!