All units selling popcorn start with 30% commission from retail price, with a potential of 35%
Units registered by July 1st – receive an additional 1%
Units selling an average of $500/registered Scout* – receive an additional 2%
Units selling an average of $1000/registered Scout* – receive an additional 2%
*number of registered Scouts as of July 1, 2021 (if you’ve added Scouts, your number will go down)
Check Out What's In Store with Our Raffle Prizes This Year!
- Every Scout who sells popcorn will receive an Amazon gift card starting with 500 points (1 point per cash sale, 1.5 points per online direct sale or credit/debit card sale).
- Every Scout who sells popcorn will also receive a Council Popcorn Patch.
- For Online Direct Sales between July 1 and September 17, each selling Scout will be entered into a drawing for Camp McLoughlin Summer Camp 2022.
- For every $500 a Scout sells, they will be entered into a drawing on December 3rd for Camp Mcloughlin Summer Camp 2022 (Cub Scouts includes 1 parent).
- For every $1000 a Scout sells, they will be entered into a drawing on December 3rd for one of 3 prizes: Nintendo Switch & 2 games, 3-D Printer, Marble Run.
Additional prizes will be added throughout the popcorn sale, including Scout Store Credit.
Special Promotion: Help Us Find Sasquatch!
There’s been a Sasquatch (Big Foot) sighting in the Council, join the Sasquatch Search Squad and help us find him.
Each week a clue will be posted on the Council popcorn page, home page, and Facebook page, beginning Sept. 20th. When a Scout completes the “mission” for that week, we will provide another clue where Sasquatch was spotted. Scouts need to complete the clue sheet we will provide and send it to the Council by November 15th, when a prize drawing will be held for each district.
Missions will include: setting up a trails-end account, sending a popcorn link by email, logging an online sale, sell door-to-door or make more online sales, update their trails-end webpage, work a storefront, etc.