Scout BSA and Cub Scout Camping Rules

Policy and Procedures for Joint Cub Scout and Troop Campout

1.       Webelos or Arrow of Light Den members may join a Troop hosted campout for the purpose of recruitment into the troop.

a.       Scouts in the Troop Hosting the Campout

                                                               i.      The Pack and Troop must share the same Chartered Organization. If they do not, then both Charter Organizations and the council must give permission.  Permission from the council can be requested by emailing Jim Westfall at

                                                              ii.      The Scout Troop must have at least two registered leaders at the camp out. 

                                                            iii.      If a linked troop for girls and troop for boys is camping, each troop must provide a minimum of two registered and YPT current leaders. If a troop for girls is camping, at least one of those leaders must be female. 

                                                            iv.      There are no mixed gender buddy pairs allowed. Every Scout must have a same gender buddy.  Buddy pairs must be within two years of age of each other.

                                                              v.      Only registered leaders from the troop may attend overnight. 

                                                            vi.      Youth cannot share a tent with any adult including their parents at the campout.  If a youth has special needs that require tenting with a parent, they need to contact the Scout Executive for approval.

                                                           vii.      Scouts must tent with youth within two years of age.  Scouts are allowed to tent by themselves.

                                                         viii.      A minimum of one leader must be current in Hazardous Weather Training which can be completed at

b.       Cub Scouts attending with their Webelos or Arrow of Light Den

                                                               i.      Two registered leaders including one that is Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation “BALOO” trained must camp with the pack.

                                                              ii.      All parents are allowed and encouraged at the campout.

                                                            iii.      If female youth are camping, then a registered female adult leader 21 or over must be in attendance.

                                                            iv.      A Cub Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a unit overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of another registered adult member of the BSA, or a parent of a Cub Scout who is also attending. The unit leader, and the parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply. At no time may another adult accept responsibility for more than one additional “nonfamily member” youth. 

                                                              v.      Cub Scouts cannot camp for more than two nights.

                                                            vi.      A minimum of one leader must be current in Hazardous Weather Training which can be completed at

c.        Youth of Scouts BSA age camping with a troop as a guest of the program

                                                               i.      Youth should fill out a youth application and parts A and B of the Annual Health and Record Form before attending.

                                                              ii.      The youths’ parents may not camp overnight unless they are a registered adult leader.

                                                            iii.      Guests of the program that have attended one overnight campout should become registered before attending another overnight campout.

                                                            iv.      Youth can Join Scouts BSA if they are any of the following.

1.       Have earned the Arrow of Light and are at least ten years old.

2.       After March 1, be at least ten years old and in fifth grade.

3.       At least eleven years old.

                                                              v.      Parents should review the Parent Guide on How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse.

All participants, both youth and adults, must have the BSA Annual Health and Medical Records parts A and B in a binder or safe location entrusted to an adult leader at the campout for both Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA.

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